Thursday, November 25, 2004

The Ukraine Matters

Excellent roundups at InstaPundit and PowerLine.

Why should we care?

Because Freedom and Liberty are still fighting against those who are either afraid of republican forms of government (small minds those) or are irridentists with, at best, dubious motives. Countries who support and encourage Freedom and Liberty will necessarily be American allies.

Thanks to Fistful of Euros where we learn that our Red States/Blue States have nothing on the Ukraine and how it split its vote.


Yuschenko, lost but has credible claims of fraud and is the US choice.

Yanukovych, won, but Ukrainian Supreme Court ruled that Yuschenko's appeal must be heard.

Russia openly backed Mr Yanukovych during campaigning in a bid to keep Ukraine in its sphere of influence. The Prime Minister wants to introduce dual citizenship with Russia, make Russian an official language, and promote an economic union with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Western governments, meanwhile, have thrown their weight behind Mr Yushchenko, who advocates liberal economic reform and integration with the EU and Nato.

Keep an eye on the Kiev Post. At the time of this posting, the lead headline read "Regime’s control over TV media crumbling".

With Vaclav Havel's statements of support for Freedom and Liberty, this will be history to watch.