Saturday, January 15, 2005

Best of the Web Joys

For those who haven't yet discovered James Taranto's Best of the Web, you're missing great research, and more delightfully, great wit.

He finds such morsels as this:

Sen. Malaprop
This is very cute: In the Journal Standard of northwest Illinois, Roland Tolliver has a humorous list of predictions for 2005. Here's one for January:

President Bush will have a gala Inauguration Ball spending millions of dollars and he misreads Obama as Osama and doesn't allow him into the party.

This ran yesterday. The day before, it actually happened. The Associated Press notes that a Washington pol "mangled the name of the Democrats' new star, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, calling him 'Osama bin . . . Osama . . . Obama." Only it wasn't President Bush, it was Ted Kennedy.

Majidah Kopechne could not be reached for comment.
