Thursday, October 28, 2004

Senator Gumby

He'll bend any which way.

Hugh Hewitt telling it like it is.

George W. Bush has wisely decided to close his campaign by summoning the memory of Democrats who indeed had the right stuff to command. "The party of Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and John Kennedy is rightly remembered for confidence and resolve in times of war and hours of crisis," the president declared in Wisconsin on Tuesday. Bush pointed out that "many Democrats in this country do not recognize their own party."

"Today I want to speak to everyone of them," he declared. "If you believe America should lead with strength and purpose and confidence and resolve, I'd be honored to have your support and I'm asking for your vote." . . .

With five days left, Americans would do well to recall Winston Churchill's critique of Cordell Hull's fatigue in a late night planning session in the early stages of World War II. Hull began to excuse himself and head for bed, citing the lateness of the hour. Churchill bellowed his dismay: "Why, man, we are at war!"

Indeed. Vote accordingly.

Another good summary of Kerry's Al-Qaqaa Quagmire from Roger Peters at the New York Post:

Sen. Kerry knows this is a bogus issue. And he doesn't care. He's willing to accuse our troops of negligence and incompetence to further his political career. Of course, he did that once before.

