Why W Must Win
This stuff is sick.
Hat Tip: Charles at the indespensible Little Green Footballs.
If you haven't visited LGF, please do -- he's keeping an eye on our enemies in the Middle East.
From the Loony Left Coast to Sanity in the Sierra. . . .
This stuff is sick.
The Headline Screams:
From a "fiery Democrat . . . to the strong Bush backer of today."
A bit disappointed the Bush campaign is trying to be a bit too cute denouncing 527's ads (yes, including Swift Boat Veterans for Truth).
A Thomas Sowell piece from last year which puts into perspective the machinations of the Environmentally Correct in the Bay Area.
McCain still has time to show he really supports President Bush for re-election.
The second ad by the indefatigable Swift Boat Veterans for Truth packs a punch.
Does Kerry really want to be in the position of bashing veterans again in '04 as he did in '71?
Great journal entry by Michelle Malkin on her Hardball appearance.
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