Monday, October 25, 2004

The End Justifies the Means

Continuing on from this earlier post, it is clear that many Big Media are simply in the tank for Kerry and don't seem to mind they are risking significant remaining trust (and don't they know the blogs will bury them in their errors?).

Roger Simon has this great take on the shameless shenanigans of The New York Times and their efforts to oust Bush have no bounds.

He takes us back to another Dark Day in the history of the Gray Lady:

Fade out: Okay, now we get personal. The demise of The New York Times has been [an] extraordinary shock to me and a kind of benchmark for my own political migration. Like most New York Jewish boys from liberal homes [the] paper was a replacement religion for me. Many decades ago, when I was twenty-three and published my first novel, finding a short positive review in the Book Review validated me as a writer, enabling me to go on with my risky career. I was published by them several times in the eighties when I was an officer of the left-leaning International Association of Crime Writers. I owe a lot to the Times. I also fear them because they review my books and movies . But I cannot shut up. This kind of biased behavior is unconscionable. Although it is nowhere near as drastic, of course, it makes me think of the days of Walter Duranty, that Timesman who won a Pultizer while white-washing Stalin. How could such things happen, I always wondered. Now I know. They happen when people think they are doing the right thing for the right cause and don't stop to consider the reality of what they are saying and writing. Yes, this is worse than Jayson Blair.

I think it's time for Bush to ridicule The New York Times unceasingly in his inimitable way.

A paper which now is only good for its crossword puzzle.